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When I was 15, I woke up with acute appendicitis and had an emergency operation to remove my appendix.

Like most people, until recently I'd thought my appendix was nothing more than an ancient remnant; a useless organ that served no purpose. After all, surgeons have routinely removed them. But - it served a purpose and you don't have yours, it's important you know what to do!

David, our Managing Director, went to the Antarctic for three years with the British Antarctic Survey, and until just before he left, it was routine to remove the appendix and tonsils to avoid possible complications. After all, they didn't seem to serve a purpose but can cause severe symptoms - especially when marooned by sea ice for many months at a time. This practice was only stopped when a big, strapping, healthy chap died on the operating table from these routine operations. So, luckily, David still has both his appendix and his tonsils.

Even so, many people have their appendix removed and it's a routine operation. Sometimes, of course, it's necessary. For example in the case of acute appendicitis, when it can become life threatening if the appendix isn't removed and bursts. 

However, recent research has discovered that the appendix has a purpose after all. 
a stack of flyers on a table
A study published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology found that your appendix serves as a “backup factory” for beneficial bacteria, the symbiotic germs that aid digestion and help protect your body against disease-causing germs.
If the good bacteria in your colon dies, it appears your appendix steps up to help recolonize your gut with good bacteria.
So, without your appendix, it's essential you get what you need every day from your diet. With research increasingly saying poor gut health is responsible for everything from autism and Alzeimer's to chronic fatigue, depression, obesity, Parkinson's and much more, it's time to step up to replace that missing appendix...

In a breakthrough study, U.S. scientists discovered that gut microorganisms influence immune cell function and support the production of immune cells that form the first line of defense against infection. Your gut makes up two-thirds of your immune system, to be exact.
Your gut is so complex and regulates so many bodily functions it's often called the body's "second brain." About 80 percent of the neurotransmitter serotonin is produced in the gastrointestinal tract—not the brain. Since large quantities of neurotransmitters are manufactured in the gut, that means your GI tract is largely responsible for your general physical and mental wellbeing. 

"The bacteria that are in our gut help regulate metabolism, they talk to our genes," explains Elizabeth Lipski, PhD, CCN, academic director of nutrition and integrative health programs at Maryland University of Integrative Health. "When that's in balance, we have energy and our brain works better."

• We have 10 x more bacteria in our digestive system than cells in our body
• 99% of the DNA in our bodies is bacterial DNA
• As a result of the Human Genome Project, scientists discovered we have fewer genes than a fruit fly, carrot, or pineapple! Instead, the genes we have are always talking to the microbes in our gut
• Your gut lining is only one cell thick—thinner than your eyelid—and replaces itself every few days. 

It's clear a healthy gut is essential for happiness and health. But as it stands, about one-third of people today have some sort of digestive problem on a weekly or monthly basis.

Your appendix may serve as a vital safehouse where good bacteria can lie in wait until they are needed to repopulate the gut after a case of diarrhea. Past studies have also found the appendix can help make, direct and train white blood cells.
The appendix appears in nature much more often than previously acknowledged. It appears in Australian marsupials such as the wombat and in rats, lemmings, meadow voles, and other rodents, as well as humans and certain primates.
What about the tonsils?

I was speaking with the lovely Linda from Phoenix recently, who was in despair about her recurring "strep throat" and tonsillitis. 

a stack of flyers on a table

Linda's Doctor has said she can have those troublesome tonsils removed... but the problem with that is, tonsils are useful too.

As part of your immune system, your tonsils fight infection. 

Your tonsils are the first line of defense in your throat, and when they are doing their job, fighting infections, you get a sore throat.The tonsils usually swell a bit and become red when that's happening.

"A new study provides evidence that a critical type of immune cell can develop in human tonsils. The cells, called T lymphocytes, or T cells, have been thought to develop only in the thymus, an organ of the immune system that sits on the heart."


The study, led by researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center - Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC - James), could improve the understanding of T-cell cancers, autoimmune diseases and the importance of first line of immune defence mechanisms such as the tonsils. 

The study identified T cells at five distinct stages of development in the tonsil. These stages, identified using molecular signposts on the cells, were very similar to the stages of T-cell development in the thymus, although some differences were found as well. 

The study also discovered that the cells develop in a particular region of the tonsil, in areas near the fibrous scaffold of the tonsil, a very sensitive and important area for primary immunity. 

The findings are published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. 

"We've known for a long time that a functional thymus is necessary to develop a complete repertoire of T-cells, but whether a T-cell factory existed outside the thymus has been controversial," says principal investigator Dr. Michael A. Caligiuri, director of Ohio State's Comprehensive Cancer Center and CEO of the James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute. 
"I believe our study answers that question. It is the first report to describe a comprehensive, stepwise model for T-cell development outside the thymus." 


This raises a number of questions. Caligiuri notes that it's still unclear whether T-cells that develop in the tonsil also mature there or whether they leave the tonsil to mature elsewhere.

Since the complete implications are not entirely known, removing the tonsils should certainly be considered as a very last resort.”

Source: https://www.sott.net/article/242574-Why-You-Should-Never-Remove-Your-Tonsils

So what are some possible solutions for tonsillitis?

  • Obviously, consult with your health professional
  • Get More Sleep!
  • Practice oil pulling therapy every morning for as long as possible (while you’re doing other things)
  • Gargle with salt water as often as possible - use a pinch of natural salt (Himalayan if you can) 
  • Take AminoBoosters or AminoPure+, and NeuraBoost to make sure you have the very quality vitamins, minerals and amino acids your body needs
  • Take echinacea
  • Get a health screening including live blood analysis and find out what’s causing your weakened immune system - there are live blood analysis screenings around the world, for example somewhere like this http://biotecwellness.com/services-pricing
  • See a Doctor of Integrated Medicine and/or Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - my TCM Dr is "the practitioners' practitioner" and provides online as well as in person consultations (he’ll need the live blood analysis sent to him as part of his tests): Dr Wayne Pickstone  http://uniquehealthandwellness.com.au/faqs
  • Sauna as much as poss to remove toxins and boost your immunity - ideally use a Far Infra Red Sauna (Clearlight Saunas are one of the best brands with no EMFs) - you can often get a free trial session, sometimes 3 days free, at a gym or spa with a sauna
  • Eat local honey - make sure it’s raw and organic otherwise it’s probably not honey 
  • Eat foods rich in probiotics and prebiotics: chutneys, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, pickles, sauerkraut, vinegars (especially raw apple cider vinegar with the “mother” if you can), yogurt (coconut yogurt if you can). Probiotics and probiotics help heal your body from antibiotics and other stressors: consult a naturopath to find a good quality supplement if you don't get enough from whole foods.
  • You might like to try this whisky/brandy remedy! https://www.davidwolfe.com/tonsillitis-and-sore-throat-natural-home-remedy/
  • Drink lemon and honey water every morning, hot or cold - 4 tbsp honey or maple syrup if you preer, juice of a lemon, splash of RACV (raw apple cider vinegar, add a pinch of natural salt (Himalayan if you can) and some ground turmeric and/or cinnamon if you can
  • Drink hot ginger tea
  • Eat more plants and less processed imitation food - especially include onions, garlic, ginger, turmeric, green veggies, salads, citrus fruits, berries, honey
  • Minimise sugar and starch
  • Cut out dairy - use coconut and almond milk 50:50 instead
  • Take professional advice for other specific remedies suited to you. For example, "Sore throat and swollen tonsils (tonsillopharyngitis). Early research suggests that taking a combination of chanca piedra and black (cumin) seed by mouth for 7 days relieves pain in people with sore throat and swollen tonsils: http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-441-chanca-piedra.aspx?activeIngredientId=441&activeIngredientName=chanca-piedra"


Good luck with boosting your immunity, reducing inflammation and "hanging on to your body parts!"

Here's to living your best,


Angela Wright MBE

Cofounder, Get Your Boom! Back - regenerative supplements with genuine ingredients at the right dose









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Please note that we are not giving health advice. This is lifestyle information. You should always consult your health care professional before making changes. The information provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use this information for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. Results featured on our websites can be atypical. As individuals differ, so will results. Get Your Boom! Back distributes a product line made with natural ingredients. Always check with your doctor for risks associated with dietary supplements and your specific health conditions and/or allergies.

  • April 30, 2017
  • Angela Wright MBE