**Cyber Monday pricing live for the rest of this week until Sunday 6th December**
We "Boomers!" are all over the world and growing in numbers.


Simply because people are getting smarter, more informed, understanding that Self Care Is The New Health Care, and it is possible to get top health supplements without paying an arm and a leg.

I'll talk about other "missing body parts" in a minute, but first...

What A Change We're Seeing!

At last, "alternative' seems to be becoming "mainstream".

People like you and me are joining forces with independent scientists around the world, against political interference and vested interests.

Last month saw environmentalists, scientists and science lovers standing up for evidence-based research. The first global March For Science was organised in defence of truth and scientific fact.

a stack of flyers on a table

More than 151 scientific institutions and 600 rallies around the world joined forces to protest against political and corporate interference. All coinciding with Earth Day - which has been highlighting important environmental issues for 35 years.

Nowadays, many in government and industry appear hostile to science and, just like fake news, manipulated science is often misused to make profits at the expense of people and the planet.

It's widely known that pharma and MLM firms exist to create highly profitable products with the cheapest possible ingredients to make maximum shareholder returns.

Whereas the best privately owned firms like Get Your Boom! Back are doing the opposite - providing the most effective highest quality ingredients with small profit margins so that more people are helped.

Now, people have more knowledge and more choice.

Informed opinion instead of marketing spin.

Times are changing for the better.

So we're celebrating with Special Offers for May!

We've introduced a special chance to win Free Shipping this month. Check out the website and in addition to some very special offers right now - in particular the AminoBoosters & AminoPure+ Triple Bundle BEST DEALS here - take a look at the chance to win big discounts and Free Shipping!

Stay on the website for a short time and you'll see a way to get a Get Your Boom! Back special bonus unlocked!

There's never been a better time to share how to Get Your Boom! Back.

Due to popular demand, we've added some bigger-discount Bundles too. These new Bundles were walking out the door within hours of us making them live.

Take a look here.

Now, about those missing body parts...

Do You Still Have Your Appendix and Tonsils?

a stack of flyers on a table

When I was 15, I had my appendix removed in an emergency operation. Until recently, we all thought the appendix was "useless" - but now I know it's purpose and what I have to do to compensate.

Linda from Phoenix was recently telling me about her recurring tonsillitis, too. So I published this research piece about both the appendix and tonsils. If you or any of your family have lost either of these "body parts", you'll want to know about this. Read more here/...

The Truth... Which Supplements Activate Stem Cells and Telomere Protection, Which Contain Genuine Young Tissue Extract At Clinical Dose And Which Do Not?

a stack of flyers on a table

We are often asked about stem cell activation and telomere protection. Your stem cells work to replace any cells in your body needing renewal.

Your telomeres tell you how fast your body is aging.

AminoBoosters enhance telomerase activity, increase endothelial progenitor cell proliferation, enhance stem cells, promote proliferation of endogenous neural stem cells, may help delay telomere shortening and delay the onset of endothelial progenitor cell senescence.

One of the key active ingredients in both AminoBoosters and AminoPure+, Young Tissue Extract, is avian fertilised incubated egg including PESE - Proto Embryonic Stage Extract.

Only Young Tissue Extract is trademarked and patented to include fertilised INCUBATED egg extract, with the unique extraction system at exactly the right time on the 9th day. That's why we use pure Young Tissue Extract at the right clinical dose in both AminoBoosters and AminoPure+.

By the way, in the UK and Australia we spell this as "fertilised" - in the USA we say "fertilized". I'm going to use the original spelling here...

Anyone can say their product includes "young tissue extract" or "youth tissue extract" because these are descriptive words and cannot be trademarked. These terms are meaningless.

"Fertilised AVIAN egg extract" is simply a bird's egg that has been fertilised. But the fertilisation is unable to take effect without being INCUBATED. That's when the fertilisation "comes alive" and the magic happens.

Only through incubation and then extraction at exactly the right moment can the albumen (egg white) contain PESE - Proto Embryonic Stage Extract and become genuine Young Tissue Extract.

This patented Young Tissue Extract process extracts the vital nutritional fluid from the white of an egg at the proto embryonic stage, known as Proto Embryonic Stage Extract (PESE). The extract provides a mechanism of rapid transport of very critical nutrients.

The right formulation of amino acids and peptides can be utilised in the right manner, with the body "directing" their correct use.

Other amino acid formulations do not contain these factors and may not be used by the brain and body in the most efficient manner.

These are some of the reasons why so many ex-Laminine customers and people who used to use other supplements have changed to AminoBoosters and AminoPure+.

We are careful to only refer to accepted clinical trials and serious, impartial scientific research.

Read more here/...

You can see all the latest Health News updates here/...

For Health Professionals And Other People In Business

I first met Russell Brunson from Boise in Idaho in Australia, shortly after emigrating from the UK in 2010.

Now, Russell helps tens of thousands business owners around the world including many health advocates (with his remarkable Clickfunnels software which makes being online really easy) and his latest book is a must-read. Russell just launched this new book called: "Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Creating a Mass Movement of People Who Will Pay for Your Advice..."

And you can have a FREE copy (only the shipping to pay for).

Go to this page now, and let Russell know where to ship it: "Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Creating a Mass Movement of People Who Will Pay for Your Advice..."

This is really important for all our health professionals in the Get Your Boom! Back Movement - and equally true if you want to know how to spread the word about how to live healthier. Russell is mailing you a physical copy of his new book - not an ebook. The book is free, and all you pay is the shipping costs.

There's no catch... no gimmicks... you will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that. It's a great book with excellent information - I really recommend you get your copy.

Talking about being successful, another friend of mine Tamsin Astor has just created a free online training program called The Daily Rituals of Prosperous People.

Tamsin has gathered over 20 of the top Doctors, authors, mind, body, spirit and lifestyle coaches, consultants, mindset experts, yogis, plant-based diet experts, and health advocates - including me :) - and she is now releasing these interviews, for the first time. You can get them here: The Daily Rituals of Prosperous People. I'm excited to be letting you in on how to create more time, energy and enthusiasm by cultivating regular rituals to generate prosperity in all aspects of life and business (and also sharing the biggest and most common mistakes!)

I'll be writing more about habits shortly - they're one of the secrets to success, for sure.


We love hearing from you! Everyone in this Get Your Boom! Back Movement tends to be a positive person who takes conscious choices to make your own life – and the world – better. Join the conversation in the private Get Your Boom Back Advocates Support Group on Facebook. Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/boomadvocates.

Getting In Touch And Support

To give us a call, for a chat or to place an order, jump on the "livechat" or "message" panel on the website or ring us on the 'phone - just choose the best number for you from the numbers listed at the bottom of the website, which are: Australia: 1300 261 639 • UK: 01392 690 244 • USA: (225) 442-9766 • International +1 (225) 442-9766.

Anything Else?

Do get in touch with any questions, suggestions or for any support . Just reply to this email or give us a call. There's always new info in the Frequently Asked Questions ... or you can click on the Contact Us link to jump straight onto our fast-response help desk :)

Thanks again for being part of the Get Your Boom! Back Movement - we really appreciate you :)

Here's to living your best,


Angela Wright MBE and all the team at Get Your Boom! Back

PS Catch up with the news on the private Get Your Boom Back Advocates Support Group on Facebook - here's the link again: https://www.facebook.com/groups/boomadvocates.

  • May 12, 2017
  • Angela Wright MBE