**Cyber Monday pricing live for the rest of this week until Sunday 6th December**
Welcome to January!

Don´t be cold, don´t be angry to me
You make me sad, come and see
Oh, January…"

Do you remember these lyrics from the 1970s song by Pilot? Or is it just me who's old enough to still sing this song?

Ralph Waldo Emerson maybe said it best when he wrote, "Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year."

I love hearing from everyone in this Get Your Boom! Back Movement, because each of you tends to be a positive person who takes conscious choices to make your own life – and the world – better.

The easiest way to keep up to date and talk with us is through our private Get Your Boom Back Advocates (Affiliates) support group on Facebook. Have you joined yet? If not, here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/boomadvocates

We've changed the name of the group from "affiliates" to "advocates" - because people in the Get Your Boom! Back Movement are such great advocates, supporting and recommending how to get more out of life!

Inside the group yesterday I posted a testimonial we'd received, and the gorgeous, ever-youthful Maureen commented:

a stack of flyers on a table

Impressive, Maureen!

What do you think?

We're always wanting to make sure we're doing all we can to help you Get Your Boom! Back - and keep your high quality of life! Can you take a moment to tell us what you want, in this quick survey? No optin-in or email address required, so it's entirely confidential: go to https://goo.gl/forms/P0kenBRubiRU6p4D2. Thanks if you've already done this – if you haven't, I'll really appreciate more answers today if you can spare me one minute?

a stack of flyers on a table


Hope you're having a marvelous start to the year. Already one week in!

Will this year go faster than any other, for you?

Statistically, yes. Every hour, day, week, month, year seems shorter to you compared to your life to date, that's why it seems like life is rushing past, ever faster.

It's already 2017, and according to research, most people have abandoned their new year resolutions by the 15th January. How are you doing with yours?

So many people commit to huge New Year's resolutions that are nearly impossible to achieve. Then, they end up not reaching their goals. One suggestion I have for you is to make your New Year's resolutions ACHIEVABLE this year.

When you do achieve your goals, you will be so much healthier.

Here are four easy, achievable resolutions which will change your life:

#1. Hydrate with more water

Did you notice when you drink more water you feel better? Water helps your body to run better and will even help you to lose weight. It's like WD40 for your body! Water helps give you a beautiful, youthful glow too. The easiest way is to grab a water bottle and keep it with you throughout the day. In the car. At your desk. In the kitchen. Beside your bed. When you're gardening, reading, watching TV, listening to music... Wherever you are. This makes it much easier to achieve your goal, and it will be so beneficial for your entire body.

In our house we keep a lot of 700ml and 1litre glass bottles full of water, in the fridge – and tend to use empty spirits bottles (the unusual, quirky or beautifully made ones) for water. It always makes us smile when friends of our kids are eating with us and think we're drinking vodka for breakfast.

#2. Crowd out unhealthy foods

Unhealthy foods that are filled with sugar and toxins do our bodies no good. Instead of just eating because you have a sweet tooth craving or because something looks delicious, eat because you want to nourish your body. If you eat foods that will give you energy and help you to feel better, you'll be on track for a healthier New Year. So, start 2017 eating whole foods that nourish and benefit your body.

Many cravings are due to lack of key nutrients, so high quality dietary supplements are not optional, they're essential. Take AminoBoosters or AminoPure+ every morning, NeuraBoost after your first meal, My Happy Booster before dinner… perfect!

Not sure about how to eat better? Too busy? Let me come to your rescue! Look out for the Free 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge we've put together for you – will email you about this again in a day or two because we're SO excited about this!

Here's a sneak preview of your 5 Day Challenge:

a stack of flyers on a table

You're going to just LOVE this! Eating well lets you get absolutely full value from your supplements. Every food you choose is either healing or harming your body. The 5 Day Challenge gives you a really easy way to decide what to eat. Can't wait to hear what you think about this.

#3. Move more

Most people think of a New Year's resolution as heading to the gym every morning. Although this is a great goal, it can sometimes be unachievable with your schedule. Of course you don't need to head to the gym to move more. Your own body-weight is enough, and you can do it where you are now! Even running up and down the stairs, doing press-ups against a wall, tightening those tummy muscles… it all makes a difference. In fact, if you sit most of the day, it's a very good idea to just go for a walk on your lunch break, or stand up and move in between breaks. When you make moving fun in 2017, you will feel so much better!

#4. Let go of negative thinking

Each of us has thoughts that creep into our heads. Sometimes we can become more judgmental and critical of others in our head, or even worse, criticise ourselves. Very often it's unwarranted and not at all true. I know, personally, I had a horrible time during part of 2016 from someone saying a lot of untruths. There are many strange people in the world – but you don't have to put up with them, you know! Their journey is not your journey.

In 2017 you can make it a goal of yours to avoid negative or untruthful people and stop your negative thinking. This will help you to be an overall happier person and will even help you to become healthier.

When you are thinking of your goals for 2017, it's easiest to start with an achievable goal that will really help you become a happier and healthier you!

I hope that these four suggestions help!

What's The #1 Healthy Action To Do Every Morning?

In December I was with the CEO at Australia's top health resort, used by many people with serious and life-threatening illnesses referred there by their doctors. She told me that the very first thing they do is take a look at new patients' teeth and get them to start oil pulling first thing every morning. In fact, every Doctor of Integrative Medicine and every Naturopath I've met says the same thing: oil pulling is the #1 thing to do every morning.

So I'm thrilled that we've been able to add Mintycoco and MouthMonsters to your range inside Get Your Boom! Back. These are now stocked in our fulfilment depots in the UK, the USA and Australia, so you receive your orders quickly. And of course, you get full affiliate commission on these and all products when you tell people about them. Find out more here: getyourboomback.com/oral-health. There's a special discount offer this month so take a look.

What's The Best Selling Herbal Supplement?

According to the University of Maryland Medical Centre, this is not only one of the oldest living tree species, it is also one of the best-selling herbal supplements in the United States and Europe. 

We're talking about Ginkgo Biloba, a potent leaf extract used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Over 100 studies indicate that PURE, legitimate Ginkgo Biloba is one of the best brain-nutrients ever discovered.

It has a long history of use in treating blood disorders and memory issues. Best known today as way to potentially keep your memory sharp, laboratory studies have shown it improves blood circulation by opening up blood vessels and making blood less sticky.

Studies show this ancient tree – literally a living fossil - may help treat dementia including Alzheimer's disease as well as poor circulation and protecting memory in older adults. As well as boosting memory and cognitive speed, research shows it might also help with memory problems caused by dementia or Alzheimer's disease. It seems to help prevent the progression of those symptoms.

Ginkgo Biloba leaves contain antioxidants which fight the harmful particles called free radicals. These build up as you age, which contribute to heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer disease. Antioxidants like those found in ginkgo fight off free radicals, stopping them from damaging DNA and other cells.

This living fossil dating back 270 million years is the most commonly ingested herb for brain health and works by safely increasing blood flow to the brain.

And we include only pure, high quality Ginkgo Biloba in AminoBoosters, as well as genuine Norwegian Young Tissue Extract at the right dose, of course. We insist on a Five Step Process of Authenticity for all ingredients, so you get exactly what you pay for. More info here: www.getyourboomback.com/ingredients

Global Wellness Market Larger Than Pharmaceutical Industry

According to studies, the global wellness market is now worth more than $3.4 trillion, making it around three times larger than the >$1 trillion worldwide pharmaceutical industry.

Increasing numbers of people are regularly using natural and alternative products for health and beauty.

More and more people now understand that dietary supplements aren't optional, they're essential. But many are confused and fed up with overpriced, ineffective MLM and Pharma formulas. No wonder so many are deciding to Get Your Boom! Back. Worldwide demand for Get Your Boom! Back products is higher than ever now. There's never been a better time to Get Your Boom! Back :)


Getting In Touch And Support

If you'd like to give us a call, for a chat or to place an order, you can jump on the "livechat" panel on the website or ring us on the best phone number for you - the numbers, always listed at the bottom of the website, and are: Australia: 1300 261 639 • UK: 01392 690 244 • USA: (225) 442-9766 • International +1 (225) 442-9766.

Anything Else?

Do get in touch with any questions, suggestions or support issues. Just reply to this email or check out all the information here: getyourboomback.com/pages/contact. You can probably find your answer in the Frequently Asked Questions ... or you can click on the Contact Us link to jump straight onto our fast-response help desk :) There are five of us manning the help desk now, based all around the world so we aim to cover 24/7 although on Sundays we're not online all the time, and sometimes we get a bit overwhelmed with questions and purchases, so bear with us please if we need to call you back.

Thanks for being part of the Get Your Boom! Back Movement - we really appreciate you :)

Best regards and all blessings


Angela Wright MBE and all the team at Get Your Boom! Back

PS If you're an Advocate, please say hi now at the Get Your Boom Back Advocates (Affiliates) support group on Facebook - here's the link https://www.facebook.com/groups/boomadvocates - or see us at our public Facebook page here facebook.com/getyourboomback.

a stack of flyers on a table

Here's to your great 2017 - with love from Get Your Boom! Back


"Regenerative Formulas With Genuine Ingredients At The Right Dose And Always Honest Pricing So You Get Your Boom! Back With The Assurance Of The Famous Boom! Worldwide Money Back Triple Guarantee"

If you have any questions, you'll probably find your answer here - or you can get in touch through the Contact Page here.

Discover The Secret To Better Sleep, More Strength, Increased Libido And Life Force. Feel More Relaxed And Stress Free, Gain Focus And Productivity. Fast Acting, Natural, Proven. Click here for more information including clinical trials and testimonials. Get Your Boom! Back provides premium food supplements and wellness products which are not substitutes for medical treatment. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We do not claim any cures or treatments. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or TGA.

Results will vary depending on the facts and circumstances of each person. If concerned about your health, always consult your healthcare professional.