In 2014, we created an entity called Get Your Boom! Back as a supplement company to sell Young Tissue Extract supplements. This was a result of flying to Norway to meet Nils Christian Mortensen and Svein Gulbrandsen from Med-Eq. At the time Med-Eq owned the Young Tissue Extract ingredient.
We began selling our first AminoBoosters through Get Your Boom! Back in 2014. Initially, this was operated from Australia. In 2016, we formed a company in the USA called Health Evolution LLC with three ways for people to purchase our genuine Norwegian supplements, through our wholly owned entities dba (doing business as) Get Your Boom! Back, LifeDesigner/LifeDesigner Supplements and Health Evolution Project.
We subsequently formulated additional Young Tissue Extract supplements including TeloMind in 2016 and later AminoB12, AminoSerene, and TeloNine.
TeloMind was initially sold through our entity LifeDesigner/LifeDesigner Supplements via the distributor Bernard Chung who we allowed to use our LifeDesigner website and sales materials.
AminoBoosters is our original formula; to begin with, TeloMind was the same formula as AminoBoosters, manufactured at the same time. We added Rhodiola rosea to make TeloMind slightly different from AminoBoosters.
From 2016 to 2019, Bernard Chung received Telomind from Health Evolution and sold it under the company name Health Evolution LLC dba LifeDesigner. We generously sponsored the material support he needed to sell our products. From the establishment of an entity called "LifeDesigner", we have supported all expenses until 2019 when the agreement was terminated.
“My Doctor said to me, ‘How are you working full-time with your symptoms?’ I told him: AminoBoosters makes this possible for me and is the one thing I can’t live without - that’s why I buy a year’s supply at a time.”
- Barbie from California
“I’ve been buying from you since 2015 and your products make a world of difference. I thought I’d try going without … and that was a big mistake because the pain has been terrible - I had to ask my Doctor for morphine. I’ve tried everything else and nothing works like your formulas. Please send me another 6 bottles because I’m never going to run out again.”
- Eileen from Queensland Australia
KeeHae Noh started purchasing TeloMind from Health Evolution's LifeDesigner in 2017 and now buys direct from Health Evolution, still enjoying the benefits today. Review given 2019.
Young Tissue Extract: