**Cyber Monday pricing live for the rest of this week until Sunday 6th December**

We are often asked to explain more about TeloMind, AminoBoosters and AminoB12.

What we call the “pure life-force” Young Tissue Extract, which is the “hero ingredient” within our TeloMind, AminoBoosters and AminoB12, is a Norwegian-owned and processed ingredient from – of all things – fertilized, incubated, organic hens’ eggs.

The snowy white eggs are incubated for 9 days then the albumen (egg white) is harvested in such a way as to capture the potent “life-force”, providing all 23 amino acids vital to restore a normal hormonal balance.

Capturing this pure, organic life-force at this exact moment was originally pioneered back in the 1920s, developed by the Norwegian government in the 1990s, proven and perfected by our award-winning exclusive partners.

The unique formulas we have created are called TeloMind, AminoBoosters, AminoB12 and AminoSerene - and they are regenerative.


All 23 amino acids needed for human life are contained within the TeloMind, AminoBoosters,  AminoB12 and AminoSerene formulas. These vital building blocks for the body normalise the secretion of stress hormones, boosting serotonin and dopamine.

People who use this food supplement report increased energy and libido, deeper sleep and documented beneficial effects on stress management and depression.

Clinical trials and hundreds of testimonials talk about relief from depression, dementia, Alzheimers and Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, tiredness, lack of libido and an impaired immune system.

Doctors recommending the secret ingredient Young Tissue Extract include Dr. Roald Strand, a Norwegian doctor who is a member of The Norwegian Medical Association (DNLF) and AAEM – the American Academy of Environmental Medicine.

Dr Strand says,

“In October 2013 I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. When I was encouraged to try the food supplement Young Tissue Extract I was intrigued.
“Young Tissue Extract restored my energy and balance! Traditional medicine helped to a certain point – Young Tissue Extract brought me to a higher quality of living.
“After a week using Young Tissue Extract  I felt a significant increase in energy. I felt stronger. Normal everyday tasks like carrying groceries, walking up stairs or simply going for a walk that just a few weeks ago felt like a struggle, were now much easier.
“The improvement has continued and I feel I have recovered at least 80 % of my functional level. I continue using Young Tissue Extract  and recommend it to my patients: I believe patients with neurological problems greatly benefit, also people suffering from lack of energy… people can experience many health benefits from taking Young Tissue Extract.


A human clinical study published in the scientific journal Clinical Nutrition reports that one of the key ingredients of AminoBoosters, Young Tissue Extract, significantly improves people’s ability to tolerate acute mental stress, normalizes hormonal responses and has a positive effect on anxiety.

Another human clinical study accepted for publication demonstrates that the AminoBoosters ingredient Young Tissue Extract is an effective treatment in alleviating depression and acts as a powerful mood enhancer. Both studies are published in scientific articles in peer reviewed psychology journals.

These two clinical studies formed part of a large project of exploration: the first indications of a benefit in the treatment of depression and mood disorders were discovered in 1997, when a pilot study at the University of Denver revealed an improvement in depression as well as a reduction in the severity of adverse side- effects during medication for depression.

We know that the genuine Young Tissue Extract used in AminoBoosters contains PESE. The extract obtained at the correct stage of development within an avian incubated fertilised egg is called PESE - Proto Embryonic Stage Extract. This is only available in Young Tissue Extract and only effective at the right dose.

When we found out about Young Tissue Extract we did a lot of research – including Cofounder Angela Wright MBE flying to Norway to meet the owners and senior executives who held the patent and licence rights to Young Tissue Extract. We wanted to know more about the exact process and the wellbeing of the hens involved too.

a stack of flyers on a table

We visited the Norwegian owners, trademark- and patent-holders of Young Tissue Extract in beautiful Norway

We worked closely with owner Nils Christian Mortensen, who together with the late Dr Bjoedne Eskeland, bought the rights to Young Tissue Extract from the Norwegian Government after they had concluded their research.

AminoBoosters is created to Nils Christian Mortensen’s recommended “recipe” – with some enhancements by Get Your Boom! Back. AminoBoosters is the most expensive Young Tissue Extract formula to make – but as a small family business, not an MLM or Pharm company, we produce this at reasonable prices – living up to our “Always Honest Pricing”. 

Note: because our profit margins are tight, when we see increases in the cost of our raw ingredients we have to pass these on in the form of relevant price rises. We do not have high profit margins so cannot absorb extra costs. This is why we recommend you buy supplies of AminoBoosters in advance when possible.

We are expecting global inflation in terms of high quality dietary supplement ingredients. We only use premium ingredients and due to inflationary measures globally we expect these to increase in price. When that happens, we will advise you promptly. We have only seen one price rise in the last two years.

A number of Doctors recommend Young Tissue Extract - most recently Dr Christopher Hertzog who is a British Medical Doctor and Anti Aging Specialist. 

Dr Hertzong has published this book - which he has called "Laminine Young Tissue Extract" because that's what most people think of as "Young Tissue Extract" - NOT because Laminine contains Young Tissue Extract.

Dr Hertzog confirms that Lamine does not contain Young Tissue Extract.

Angela Wright was delighted that Dr Hertzog consulted with her prior to the publication of his book and was kind enough to cite her in it. You can buy Dr Hertzog's book on Amazon.com here:
and here 

This is a well written book. We recommend you buy it.

In this book, Dr Hertzog categorically says about Young Tissue Extract:

"There is just such a vast amount of evidence it is impossible to support suggestions this product does not work."

and, talking about competitors,

"... however they did patent a version of what was developed in Norway and decided to market it on an MLM basis (Multi Level Marketing) which is in essence a revised and legal form of the earlier pyramid selling scheme..."


"Remember that if you are buying through MLM the reward structure has to be paid for, which does not go towards the actual cost or quality of the product... as most sales have hitherto been promoted via MLM, it is only now in the light of increased research and reviews, that purer forms are becoming available..."


"How do I know that what I am being offered is the genuine article? This is a very real problem...Does it contain fertilised incubated avian egg extract? If not, don't waste your money buying it!”


"... (Young Tissue Extract) provides a great number of benefits described in this book, which in total can only have a beneficial effect on aging and a healthier lifestyle." 

and, talking about the history of Young Tissue Extract,

"...Dr Davidson began using his new found extract on human cancer patients straight away with good results. Later on, when the process was further developed in Norway... human subjects were again used, with often spectacular results.

“It must be emphasised yet again, that such tests could only be valid if carried out with an extract obtained at the correct stage of development with an avian incubated fertilised egg - PESE - Proto Embryonic Stage Extract, harvested at Day 9...

If the fertilised egg is NOT incubated the results will be meaningless, as the correct extract is not being employed (see comments in reports by Angela Wright MBE and Med-Eq themselves in Norway.)"


"...As more publicity is given to this product (Young Tissue Extract)... more and more of the population will benefit from a remarkable scientific breakthrough....

“As a stem cell enhancer it can only do good. These cells die off and are reduced in number as we age, and to find a product that can restore the balance to the level found in earlier years, can surely only be beneficial...

“If in addition we can regain strength in our weakening muscles and feel less depressed and have a better sex life, surely it is worth going for?!"

When conducting your research on the Young Tissue Extract health discovery, you will learn about the remarkable history of Young Tissue Extract, first recognized back in 1929 by Dr. John R. Davidson. Dr Davidson enhanced many lives from unhealthy to healthy, by getting the body and the mind, back to a healthy state.

There are reports of Young Tissue Extract helping to regulate the adrenal hormones to enhance tissue function, including muscle, skin, the gut, vascular, nerve and immune system functions.

There is research about Young Tissue Extract reducing physical and mental stress, improving metabolism to assist in burning fat, promoting more restful sleep and increasing libido.

Some studies have shown that Young Tissue Extract helps people who face physical and mental challenges, plus has a positive effect on physical activities including quicker recovery after exercise

There are many testimonies of promoting muscle tone and strength, effectively improving energy levels and increasing stamina.

Fifty years after Dr Davidson's pioneering work, research into fertilized incubated hen egg extract was revived by Norway’s foremost experts on egg research.

Dr. Bjodne Eskeland and Nils Christian Mortensen worked together in Med-Eq, which bought the rights to Young Tissue Extract from the Norwegian government and went on to do further work together on developing Young Tissue Extract.

Doctors who have worked with Young Tissue Extract  hypothesized that partially incubated, fertilized hen eggs contained a special combination of amino acids, peptides and protein fractions that could help provide an important array of health benefits when consumed by humans. In theory, these partially incubated, fertilized eggs – specifically 9-day-old fertilized eggs, contain all the nutrients required to start a new life. This includes vitamins, minerals and proteins, important defense factors, growth factors, hormones and other biologically active components.

The high level of oligopeptides (small peptides) gave credence to research carried out on the necessity of rapid transport across the digestive membrane in order to achieve effective benefits from amino acids.

The fertilized incubated egg extract formula was studied extensively to find out why this key ingredient that had so many seemingly perfect health" benefits. 

It has been suggested that PESE within the right supporting formula can assist with symptoms caused by our diets and environment. Skin and hair health, moods (depression), memory loss, fatigue and cardiovascular health are most affected by today’s lifestyle.

You can think of the PESE as the “Director of Operations” for the body. Having such a perfectly balanced, natural, transport mechanism, it is believed that the right supporting formula containing all amino acids will find their way to the right areas of the body and be guided to perform their function efficiently.

The TeloMind, AminoBoosters and AminoB12 formulas contain ingredients most critical for your healthy skin, hair, memory function, cardiovascular health and energy. 

Competitors’ products do not contain ANY Young Tissue Extract. They did originally but do not now. When marketing says a supplement includes "fertilised avian egg extract" from the USA, this means it is just from a fertilised chicken egg. As Nils Mortensen Christiansen says,

     "You might as well have a fried egg for breakfast" if it is not incubated and not Young Tissue Extract. 

Here at Get Your Boom! Back we use ONLY genuine ingredients at the right dose. We use the original, pure Norwegian Young Tissue Extract in Telomind, AminoBoosters and AminoB12.

Young Tissue Extract is avian incubated fertilised egg including PESE - Proto Embryonic Stage Extract.

Only Young Tissue Extract is trademarked and patented to include fertilised INCUBATED egg extract, with the unique extraction system at exactly the right time on the 9th day. NO other product is the same as this. 

Anyone can say their product includes "young tissue extract" or "youth tissue extract" because these are descriptive words and cannot be trademarked. These terms are meaningless.

“Fertilized avian egg extract” is simply a chicken egg that has been fertilized. But the fertilization is unable to take effect without being incubated. That’s when the fertilization “comes alive” and the magic happens.

Only through incubation and then extraction at exactly the right moment can the albumen (egg white) contain PESE - Proto Embryonic Stage Extract and become genuine Young Tissue Extract.

The patented Young Tissue Extract process extracts the vital nutritional fluid from the white of an egg at the proto embryonic stage, known as Proto Embryonic Stage Extract (PESE). The extract provides a mechanism of rapid transport of very critical nutrients. The right formulation of amino acids and peptides can be utilized in the right manner, with the body “directing” their correct use.

Commonplace and cheaper amino acid formulations do not contain these factors and are not utilized by the brain and body in the most efficient manner.

There has been some speculation that the PESE also contains Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor but there are no serious studies supporting this claim. The manufacturers of Young Tissue Extract also do not claim it includes FGF. That is why we do not claim FGF in our products.

We are careful to only refer to accepted clinical trials and serious, impartial scientific research.

There is no reference whatsoever in Google Scholar or medical journals referring to FGF being contained in a well-known supplement. You can look for yourself: www.scholar.google.com.

One of our competitors has been repeatedly asked by various people as to what is the source of the "fibroblast growth factor" alleged to be in their product but have declined to give this information. They have also been asked to provide documentation or clinical trials/research confirming their product does actually contains FGF but again this hasn't been forthcoming.

Cofounder Angela Wright personally visited the Young Tissue Extract manufacturers, in Norway to satisfy herself as to their status, the quality of the hens' conditions (Angela is a farmer's daughter :)) and the integrity of the production facilities.

Angela and David Wright (Get Your Boom! Back's Managing Director) are in regular contact with the owners and key team of Young Tissue Extract.

You will find it helpful to take a look at this information here: 

You are advised to carry out your own research and make your own judgement. You don't have to take our word for it - you can see what numerous other customers say, including on this page: https://www.getyourboomback.com/pages/reviews

With TeloMind, AminoBoosters, AminoB12 and all products made by Get Your Boom! Back, you are completely protected by our worldwide 30 day cast iron money back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose.

Here at Get Your Boom! Back we are committed to
- regenerative formulas
- with genuine ingredients
- at the right dose
- and honest pricing.

Young Tissue Extract is a very very expensive ingredient. It appears to be too costly for MLMs and pharmaceutical companies, who typically need very low cost of ingredients to leave plenty of margin for very high marketing and promotion expenditure.

Get Your Boom! Back is a privately owned family business. We do not need high profit margins. We do not have shareholders to pay and high marketing costs.

In fact, to date almost all our marketing has been by word of mouth. “The Truth Will Out” as the old saying goes.

We pay affiliate commission if anyone wants to become an affiliate (free to join, no obligation, no qualifying criteria) but it’s not essential to be an affiliate.

Contact us for more information. Here's To Getting Your Boom! Back. Choose your best options here: 

Here's To Getting Your Boom! Back. Choose your best options here: getyourboomback.com/collections/shop.





Clinical Studies:

Johannes Schult, Torsten Hero, Julianne Hellhammer (DAaCRO Research, FPP Research, Germany) 2009
Erling Thom Ph.D., (Med-Eq Ltd., ETC R&D, Norway) 1992
Kjell-Olav Svendsen MD, Frogner Helsesenter MD, Einar Christiansen MD (DRYMED, Norway) 1993
E. Kristoffer, S. Gulbrandsen, O. Duunsveil (Holmestrand, Norway) 1995
Bjodne Eskeland Ph.D., E. Thom, KOB Svendsen (Medstat, Frogner, Norway)
Kjell Tornblom (Unverstiy of Colorado, Denver) 1996
S. Kawashima et al, (Zenyaku Kogyo Co., Ltd.) 1996

Proven to lower cortisol, reduce stress and the aging process

By LOWERING cortisol levels in our bodies, we have the ability to reduce how stress damages our health.

Outline of Clinical Studies

  1. STUDY ON Young Tissue Extract ON STRESS
    1. Effects of powdered fertilized eggs on the stress response
  2. STUDY ON Young Tissue Extract FOR ANTI DEPRESSANT
    2. A placebo controlled, double-blind study on the efficacy of a nutritive supplement containing embryonic peptides in treatment of mild to moderate depressive mood.
    3. Effects of nutritional Supplements designed to promote lean tissue accretion on body composition and strength performance.
  4. Effects of Protein Supplements on the natural Production of
    Hormones subsequent to hard Training. 1996/97
  5. Young Tissue Extract FOR SEXUAL DESIRES
    5.”A randomized placebo-controlled study of “Libido” (Young Tissue Extract) on sexual lust in middle-aged, healthy men” 1992
  6. “A randomized placebo-controlled study of “Libido” (Young Tissue Extract) on sexual desire in healthy middle-aged men” 1993
  7. “The Swedish Study”
  8. Sexual Desire in Men: Effects of Oral Ingestion of a Product Derived from Fertilized Eggs.
  9. The Effect of “Libido” Young Tissue Extract) on decreased sexual Desire associated with Anti-Depressant Medication. 1996/97
  10. Effects of Fertilized incubated Shell Eggs on sexual Behavior of Male Rats 1996.


  • December 23, 2016
  • Angela Wright MBE