**Cyber Monday pricing live for the rest of this week until Sunday 6th December**

Look at this big news which came out of the US last week ...

Look at this image close

This graph shows how e-commerce as a share of total retail sales went from 10% to 16% in the last five years ... and now it’s gone from 16% to 27% in the last 3 months! 

Stats from other countries including Australia are due out this week..and pretty much the same is expected.

Yes, some of that will disappear as isolation restrictions ease. BUT a large part of this is expected to stick. 

Do I think this economic contraction will persist after restrictions ease? Yes.

Do I think there is still a huge opportunity for growth? Yes.

Do you know: historically, more innovation, inventions, and wealth have been created after economic crises.

And our health is actually improving, as people understand far more.

Now is an exciting time.

This HUGE influx of people buying online is not just about e-commerce. 

Yes, a lot of people and businesses have been hit hard by the corona-crisis...there is no debating that.

But it’s not all doom and gloom.

The planet is less polluted.

People have more time with their families.

And - most importantly of all - people are valuing their health far more, understanding they need to take care of their immunity as top priority.

And the #1 way to protect your immune system is to get your cortisol (your "stress hormone") under control. Which is - uniquely - what our formulas do first.


We had some questions today about our different formulas.

Firstly, about AminoB12. Of course, this formula has the full clinical dose of Young Tissue Extract, as do AminoBoosters and TeloMind.

The B12 we use in AminoB12 is the most bioavailable consistent option, MecobalActive B12 by Health Tech BioActives (formerly Ferrer Health Tech).

MecobalActive is also the most sustainable B12 ingredient due to its low impurity profile. It is very clean and its patented production process is the safest way of producing the finest source of vitamin B12. The environmental impact is a huge value add for our company, as it's a vitamin B12 ingredient which supports our corporate sustainability message and brand as well.

Each bottle of AminoB12 contains 120 capsules, each containing 400mg of Young Tissue Extract  and 1000mcg of MecobalActive B12. We also include 1.25mg of BioPerine® black pepper extract, from Sabinsa.

The reason we use patented products is that they are consistent, pure, and bioavailable, giving much better results for our customers. These are the best versions of these ingredients, so they are also the most expensive, which is why most other supplement companies do not use them.

ONLY Get Your Boom! Back and TeloMind formulas by our own company Health Evolution has genuine Young Tissue Extract.

This is because we are the only company which has consistently used the genuine Young Tissue Extract at the recommended clinical therapeutic dose.

4 capsules a day is the recommended daily dose of AminoB12, which gives 1600mg of Young Tissue Extract, 4000mcg of Mecobalactive® B12, and 5mg of BioPerine®.
Another option:

TeloMind is a product we have been making since 2016, which we used to sell through another distributor but last year we took it back in-house and now sell it direct, through you, our affiliates, with our websites  www.GetYourBoomBack.com and www.HealthEvolutionProject.com.

Many people derive great benefit from the Rhodiola rosea in the TeloMind formula, which is in addition to the full clinical dose of Young Tissue Extract of course (400mg/capsule - 120 capsules/bottle), and the other ingredients in the formula.

The results people get are quite extraordinary.

You can find out about all of our four formulas here: 


How can we help you more? Let us know ... give us a call, send us an email, or click on the livechat here on this website. 

Here's to living your best,


Angela Wright MBE
Co-founder and Head of Research, Health Evolution & Get Your Boom! Back

  • May 25, 2020
  • Angela Wright MBE