Stress affects your body in so many ways - but did you know it can even prevent your body from absorbing essential nutrients?
If you’re getting less than the optimum nutrients in the first place, add stress into the equation and you’re in real trouble.
The trouble is, modern society is stressful and so huge numbers of us now report suffering from stress and the symptoms.
Symptoms like headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, and sleep issues. Yes, stress affects all the systems in your body - and hits your digestive system hard.
Why is this?
When stressed, your fight or flight response is turned on, your adrenals are turned up and your digestion is stopped by the rest of your body.
Yes, your body believes your life is at stake and immediately heightens your senses, and halts all unnecessary systems. Digesting your food isn’t important when your body is preparing you to escape from danger so youstay alive.
Nutrient absorption starts with digestion.
When your digestion is stopped, your body produces less digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid. That’s what helps break down your food - and it is difficult for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to be absorbed properly.
As reported in Gastroenterology, participants consumed a mineral drink while they were in a relaxed state. Researchers found that participants absorbed 100 percent of the drink's nutrients in this relaxed state. Then the participants were asked to concentrate as two different people spoke to them simultaneously about different topics. There was a significant reduction in nutrient absorption.
With distraction and stress, food digestion stops functioning. Stress also depletes nutrient stores, starting with vitamins A, E and C, B-vitamins, chromium, copper, iron, zinc and magnesium are some of the first to go.
What’s The Answer?
There’s no silver bullet to good health.
Without a doubt you need supplements to ensure your body has every chance of good nutrients to absorb.
Top quality amino acids in the right dose like the Young Tissue Extract in AminoBoosters and AminoPure+ are even more essential as you get older.
Activated vitamins and chelated minerals are super-important.
Extra virgin botanicals and adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha and Rhodiola Rosea act like hormone thermostats, especially regarding cortisol, which is one of our main stress hormones.
Being mindful and present, including taking the time to sit down and not multi task while you eat, helps you to reduce stress.
Meditation is proven over and over again to help.
Exercise is a sanity saver - even a brisk 10 minute walk makes a difference
Taking up yoga, pilates, tai chi or a any other mindful stretching and weight bearing exercise makes a big difference - especially stretching your psoas muscle. This muscle, sometimes called “the muscle of the soul” has a direct influence on your fight or flight response.
Acccording to Liz Koch, author of The Psoas Book, “The psoas is so intimately involved in such basic physical and emotional reactions, that a chronically tightened psoas continually signals your body that you’re in danger, eventually exhausting the adrenal glands and depleting the immune system.” -
Another way to help yourself is to get outside in the fresh air every day, ideally absorbing some sunshine too.
Practicing your breathing techniques helps too - breathing in for 7 and out for 11 can make a big difference. Try this while you’re walking - in for 7 steps and out for 11 steps - and this can help you get into a rhythm.
This might seem too hard. But it’s all scientifically proven. Make the most of your life and make small changes every day.
To help yourself as much as possible, giving yourself the physical, mental and emotional energy to do the right thing by your body, take premium supplements.
Get your best choice here:
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