What is homeostasis and why is it important?
How does this relate to alkalinising?
Imagine if all aspects of your life, including your brain and body, were in perfect balance.
Homeostatis is this dynamic state of equilibrium when everything's in balance for optimal functioning, so you feel great.
Your cells need their environment to be just right in order to survive and thrive. To maintain this environment, organisms need to self regulate and make adjustments, such as getting the right nutrition, maintaining healthy body temperature and fluid balance.
1. Meat
Animal protein – including chicken, turkey, and beef – is considered acidic once metabolised (processed by the body).
This is because animal protein contains high amounts of purines, which are compounds in RNA and DNA, and form uric acid. When high levels of uric acid build up in the blood, this has an acidifying effect on blood pH, and uric acid can also spread to tissues and joints, causing gout and kidney stones.
As a less acidic alternative to animal protein, plant protein sources contain a lower amount of purines.
If you do choose to include meat in your diet, you may consider eating less, and choosing organic and free-range animal products, which are typically higher in nutrients.
Small amounts of wild game which isn’t farmed, like bison, deer, elk, kangaroo, rabbit, pheasant, partridge, duck, emu, ostrich, can have less of an inflammatory effect, and a higher concentration of omega 3 essential fatty acids, even though they contain some purines. Small amounts of seafood which is high quality and wild-caught by hand (not trawled) can be acceptible.
2. Dairy
Dairy falls under the umbrella of acidifying foods to avoid. This is because it has a dysfunctional mineral relationship.
The importance of minerals to health is all dependent on how minerals work together in the body, which is why they are needed in specific ratios, as are amino acids.
When considering cow’s milk, dairy products contain both calcium and phosphorus. Calcium and phosphorus are needed in the ratio of 2.5 to 1 for optimal health. Unfortunately, cow’s milk has a ratio of 1.27 to 1. This means that while we certainly receive calcium from cow’s milk, we’re also receiving far too much phosphorus.
Phosphorus prevents the absorption of calcium in the small intestine, and the acidifying effects of milk requires calcium to be leached from the stores in bones to prevent blood from becoming too acidic.
Nut milks such as almond, cashew, coconut, hemp, and macadamia, are less acidifying milk alternatives to dairy.
3. Grains
Many medical professionals recommend avoiding glutenous grains not only because they are difficult to digest and create inflammation in the body, but also because they’re acidifying (4).
Non-glutenous grains such as brown rice, quinoa, and buckwheat are still considered acid forming, but rank lower on the acidity scale. For this reason, they’re acceptable to include in your diet in small amounts, but shouldn’t be a staple at every meal.
Non-Glutenous Recipe Options:
4. Legumes
Legumes are considered a mildly acidifying food, but they also come with several health benefits. For this reason, it’s not necessary to completely avoid legumes, but to eat them in moderation and pair them with alkalising foods.
Beans and other legumes are also part of the vegetable family, and they contain both acid and alkaline foods. The University of California, San Diego's, acid-alkaline food chart indicates all or most beans and other legumes are acid-forming.
Legumes help balance blood sugar levels, which is a major health benefit when you’re eating for energy. They also have the ability to help lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels.
5. High Fructose Corn Syrup
There are at least 61 different names for sugar listed on food labels. These include common names, such as sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup, as well as barley malt, dextrose, maltose and rice syrup, among others.
High fructose corn syrup is one of the most acidifying of all sugars and detrimental to health on many levels. Typically found in most processed food, be sure to avoid this.
Life is about balance. Avoid or minimise the above. In summary, choose healthy acid-forming foods, balance your diet with plenty of alkaline-forming vegetables and fruits, and take complete amino acid supplements to regenerate, reduce cortisol, feed your brain and body.
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