When I created Crealy Great Adventure Park in the UK, I thought life couldn’t get much better. It was so heart-warming, delivering fun and happiness to hundreds of thousands of families. But now, as co-founder of Get Your Boom! Back, I know this will have an even bigger impact on families’ wellbeing.
Get your Boom! Back was founded with a rebellious spirit and a life-changing objective: to offer regenative, real food formulas combined with cutting edge technology to bring clinically-proven health and zest.
We’ve spent thousands of hours researching and testing, uncovering secrets that the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t seem to want people to know.
As a farmer’s daughter, I’ve been obsessed with combining real food goodness with cutting edge technology, without polluting our planet or our bodies. We’ve combined this discovery of what I term “pure life-force” into a unique formula called AminoBoosters - free from artificial additives, GMOs or other unnatural potentially harmful ingredients.
I’ve been asked to explain more about Amino Boosters. What I call the “pure life-force” of the Young Tissue Extract which is the “hero ingredient” within our AminoBoosters is from – of all things – fertilized, incubated, organic hens’ eggs raised in accordance with instructions from the Norwegian patent-holders.
The snowy white eggs are incubated for 9 days then only the albumen (egg white) harvested in such a way as to capture the potent “life-force”, providing all 23 amino acids vital to restore a normal hormonal balance, also containing all the vitamins and minerals necessary to life.
Capturing this pure, organic life-force at this exact moment was originally pioneered back in the 1920s, developed by the Norwegian government in the 1990s, proven and perfected by our award-winning exclusive partners.
The unique formula we have created is called AminoBoosters and is groundbreaking
All 23 amino acids needed for human life are contained within the AminoBoosters formula: these vital building blocks for the body normalise the secretion of stress hormones, boosting serotonin and dopamine. People who use this food supplement report increased energy and libido, deeper sleep and documented beneficial effects on stress management and depression. The Amino Boosters® formula contains no artificial additives and is safe to use by men, women and children.
People who use this food supplement report increased energy and libido, deeper sleep and documented beneficial effects on stress management and depression. The AminoBoosters formula contains no artificial additives.
Clinical trials and hundreds of testimonials talk about relief from depression, dementia, Alzheimers and Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, tiredness, lack of libido and an impaired immune system.
Doctors recommending the secret ingredient include Dr. Roald Strand, a Norwegian doctor who is a member of The Norwegian Medical Association (DNLF) and AAEM – the American Academy of Environmental Medicine.
Dr Strand says,
A human clinical study published in the scientific journal Clinical Nutrition reports that one of the key ingredients of AminoBoosters, Young Tissue Extract, significantly improves people’s ability to tolerate acute mental stress, normalizes hormonal responses and has a positive effect on anxiety.
Another human clinical study accepted for publication demonstrates that the AminoBoosters ingredient Young Tissue Extract is an effective treatment in alleviating depression and acts as a powerful mood enhancer. Both studies are published in scientific articles in peer reviewed psychology journals.
These two clinical studies formed part of a large project of exploration: the first indications of a benefit in the treatment of depression and mood disorders were discovered in 1997, when a pilot study at the University of Denver revealed an improvement in depression as well as a reduction in the severity of adverse side- effects during medication for depression.
There's more information here: https://www.getyourboomback.com/collections/shop
Here's to Getting Your Boom! Back